Thursday, March 31, 2011

James Franco: Helping Students in the Nation's Capital

Looking a bit tuckered out after a long flight, James Franco was spotted arriving in Washington, D.C. on Thursday afternoon (March 31).

The ?127 Hours? stud quickly threw on his shades at the sight of the paparazzi en route to offer up D.C. residents with ?An Evening with James Franco? - which is an "event which will include food and discussion while being held at the Hotel Monaco and benefiting free student programming at 826DC."

As his career shows no signs of slowing down, it was recently announced that Franco will be working with Mila Kunis in an upcoming film called, ?Oz the Great and Powerful.?

Of working with the ?Black Swan? actress, Franco told MTV News, "I?ve done two small things with her. I?ve done something for Funny Or Die, a spoof of 'The Hills' TV show, and then we did a little scene in 'Date Night.' She?s great, I love working with her."

Franco also recently sat down with David Letterman and shared his thoughts about being accused of getting stoned before hosting this year?s Academy Awards.

James denied smoking pot, but justified his mellow demeanor by telling, "I love her, but ... I think the Tasmanian Devil would look stoned standing next to Anne Hathaway. I haven't watched it back. Maybe I had low energy. I honestly played those lines as well as I could."


Katharine McPhee Hayden Panettiere Lindsay Lohan

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